Onion for Hair Growth: Using Onion Juice to Grow Hair Faster

Are you suffering from unwanted hair loss? No one really wants to lose their hair, but it is an unwanted problem that many people must face, men and women included. It’s actually natural to lose your hair, most people lose between 50-100 hairs each day and never know the difference. Hair loss, however, causes a lot of people to stress because they might not have too much hair in the first place to lose. Thinning hair tends to cause a lot of insecurity and can make self-esteem plummet.

While there are tons of ads claiming they are the next best hair loss treatment, nature comes in pretty powerfully on this one, and there’s one thing that offers unprecedented results. Onion juice. Yes, you read that correctly. Onion juice is a powerful natural remedy that promotes hair growth and can keep your lovely locks looking their best.

Can Onion Juice Really Help for Hair Growth?

The answer is yes. Onion juice can really help with hair growth. There have been many scientific studies performed on hair loss, hair growth, and natural remedies that are beneficial to both. It has been shown in many various studies that onion juice and consuming onions is absolutely beneficial in preventing hair loss and promoting new hair growth. Onion juice has been said to prevent prematuraring of grey hair, and also works on other problem hair concerns such as dandruff, yeast infections, and fungal infections.

How Does This Work?

This may seem like a far-fetched way to promote hair growth, but it has shown time and time again to be so effective that many people swear by its power. It’s the rich sulfur content in onions that make this method so effective by helping to promote blood circulation to the scalp. The sulfur also promotes the production of collagen which is necessary for the production of new hair. Hair is produced in the follicles and when there is more blood and collagen making their way into these follicles, they receive the nutrients and stimulation they need to grow new hair.

There are times when the scalp becomes infected by bacteria. This can lead to hair loss quickly but can be treated without the use of antibiotics in a much safer manner. The same sulfur content that helps to promote blood circulation contains anti-bacterial properties that prevent the growth of bacteria and fungi on the scalp. Preventing further growth of these infections will help to prevent any further hair loss.

Onion also adds strength to the hair that helps prevent breakage and thinning. This strength is just what’s needed to promote new hair growth and keep further damage from occurring.

How to Use Onions to Help Hair Grow Faster

To reap the benefits onions offer for increased hair growth, you’ll need to extract the juice from a few onions and apply it throughout the entire scalp. Don’t let the strong smell scare you off, this method works, and works well. It’s got to stay on the scalp for at least thirty minutes, and you’ll want to keep it on longer if you can stand the smell. After you rinse it, you should follow with a shampoo. You will need to do this at least three times a week for two months minimum to see results, but you will see results so don’t give up this routine.

Making Onion Juice for Your Hair

Making onion juice to use as a hair tonic is easy. If you don’t have a juice extractor, you can use a blender, food processor, or grater to get as much juice extracted as possible. You’ll need quite a few onions for this process, and will have to adjust the amount according to the length of your hair.

4 Easy Ways to Use Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Trying any of the following home remedies will work for hair loss and promote hair growth. The important thing is to pick one method and stick to it for a couple of months. You will undoubtedly see results, but you’ve got to be patient. Pick any of the following methods that best resonate with you, and you’ll be on the way to increased hair growth and overall hair health.

1. Onion Juice Hair Rinse

This method is really easy and all it takes is about five sliced onions and a liter of boiling water simmered in a pot for about 15 minutes. Let it cool, strain it, and rinse this into your hair after you shampoo it. The smell might linger but should go away in a day or two after it’s been washed again.

2. Onion Juice and Rum

No, this is not to drink…this recipe is actually made to put on your hair. One medium onion should be chopped and put in a glass of rum to let sit overnight. After at least twelve hours, strain the mixture and get rid of the chopped onion pieces. You can massage it into the scalp and then wash it out, or you can use it as a rinse after you’ve shampooed.

3. Onion Juice and Honey

This easy method works in two ways. You can either take it orally or you can rub it on the scalp. Either way works and both show great results. A 1/4 cup of onion juice and one tablespoon of honey should be mixed together. The choice is then up to you. Drink it down, or massage it into the scalp for fifteen minutes. Do this every day and you’ll see results in no time at all.

4. Simply Eat More Onions

It almost seems like onions were just made to complement hair growth and a healthy scalp. Simply eating more onions and adding them to your diet will make you notice a difference in the health of your hair. It doesn’t work quite like the other methods, but in time you will see how much it does help to keep your hair looking its best.