11 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dry Scalp & How to Use Them

Dry scalp or lack of moisture in the scalp does not seem like a big deal. But, if you experience what it’s like, you’ll know that it can be itchy and uncomfortable. Besides, it can lead to the formation of white flakes called dandruff. You can now deal with this problem head-on with effective home remedies. It will help you to get rid of dry scalp fast.

Several skin conditions may lead to dry scalp. For instance: seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and eczema. Other factors also seem to worsen scalp dryness. For example infrequent washing of hair, stress, dry winter air, or hot summer season.

Home Remedies for Dry Scalp

Here are some amazing home remedies that are easy to prepare and effective in taking care of a dry scalp:

1. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is cultivated around the world for its medicinal properties. Coconut has antibacterial, antioxidant, and immunostimulant properties. It can help prevent disease and promote your health. It’s not only good for the health but also for the skin and hair.

Coconut oil is a “beauty multi-tasker”. It can tame hair frizz, keep the skin moisturized and hydrated, and slow down the process of skin aging. For your dry scalp, it can work well by locking in moisture and preventing water loss, as it is a natural emollient. In a study, 26 individuals diagnosed with eczema participated in a double-blind trial. They had to use either coconut oil or olive oil on skin lesions for four weeks.

By the time the treatment was over, only one of the coconut oil users didn’t heal. In the olive oil group, half of the patients still suffered from eczema. Both olive oil and coconut oil did well in healing atopic dermatitis, but the cure rate was higher for the latter.

In another study, coconut oil showed excellent response to the treatment of mild to moderate eczema. Since coconut oil is rich in nourishing vitamins and minerals, it can help keep the scalp healthy.

How to use coconut oil:

  • Put 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in a pan. Warm the oil. Remove from heat and let it cool a little.
  • Massage hair and scalp with coconut oil and leave it on for one hour before rinsing.
  • Do this three times a week.

2. Tea Tree Oil

During the ancient times in eastern Australia, the leaves of tea tree were crushed to extract oil. It can be a treatment for wounds and skin ailments. Today, it remains a valuable tool in health and dermatology. It helps resolve many skin problems including the dry scalp. In fact, one study found that it can treat dandruff.

126 patients with dandruff participated in a randomized single-blind clinical trial. Those who used 5 percent tea tree oil had improvement in their scalp condition. A marked improvement of 41% was observed after daily use of tea tree oil for four straight weeks. Since there were no documented adverse reactions, it can a safe remedy for dandruff.

Here is a simple method of using tea tree oil:

  • Combine 6 drops of tea tree oil and 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
  • Use this mixture to massage your scalp.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes before washing off.
  • Repeat three to four times a week.

3. Lemon Juice

Lack of moisture causes the scalp to flake off and become itchy. The use of lemon can resolve this problem. It is rich in vitamin C that promotes skin cell regrowth and collagen formation.

Vitamin C is an efficient way of stimulating the production of skin cells and collagen. It is a viable tool for skin repair and renewal. Moreover, lemon also contains other nutrients that can promote scalp health. All these make this fruit a valuable treatment method for the dry and itchy scalp.

Learn how you may use lemon juice:

  • Dilute 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in 1 tablespoon of water.
  • Use this to wash your hair and scalp.
  • Massage your head. Do this twice a week.

4. Almond Oil

If you can’t get enough almonds, you’ll feel the same thing about almond oil. Loaded with excellent benefits for health, almond oil has been popular since ancient times in India, China and Greece. It plays many essential roles in traditional medicine. These include anti-inflammatory, immunity-boosting, humectant, antibacterial, and many more. It is beneficial for people who suffer from high cholesterol, irritable bowel syndrome, and digestion-related issues.

There is also anecdotal evidence pointing out how great almond oil is for the skin. It can improve complexion and reduce scarring. It can also resolve the problem of the dry scalp as it is a powerful emollient. It draws and locks in moisture in the scalp to prevent it from drying out and becoming itchy.

Almond oil also contains high levels of vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that’s good for scalp health.

An easy of using almond oil:

  • Massage scalp with 1 teaspoon of almond oil. Leave it on for one hour.
  • Wash it off with warm water.
  • Do this every day for one to two weeks.

5. Jojoba Oil

Did you know that jojoba oil is the closest thing to human sebum, the substance produced by the skin’s oil glands? It’s no wonder oil has various useful applications in dermatology. It has skin infections and skin disorders countless times. It can treat acne, psoriasis, eczema, sores, bruises, sunburn, chapped skin, and many more.

Jojoba oil has anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, it can speed up the healing of wounds, delay the process of skin aging, and ease skin infections. As for the scalp, jojoba oil can keep it from drying out by drawing moisture from the air and keeping it sealed in the skin.

How you may use jojoba oil:

  • Add 3 drops of jojoba oil to 1 teaspoon of coconut oil.
  • Use this mixture to massage the scalp.
  • Wash off with warm water.

6. Olive Oil

Olive oil is a healthy dietary fat that’s loaded with many essential nutrients and antioxidants. Apart from promoting good health, olive oil is also practical and useful for skincare.

Olive oil is effective in preventing water from escaping the skin barrier. Thus, it can prevent moisture loss. It’s for this reason that you can use this oil as a treatment for dry scalp and dry skin.

Here is a simple method of using olive oil:

  • Take 1 teaspoon of olive oil and apply a thin layer of on your scalp.
  • Massage in circular motions.
  • Wait for an hour before washing your hair.
  • Do this every other day for several weeks.

7. Milk

Bathing with milk to keep the skin soft and supple is not a new concept. Milk can keep the skin soft and supple with the protein and fat exfoliating the skin cells, and the lactic acid, hydrating the skin.

Did you know that you can also use milk on your hair to prevent the scalp from drying out? The lactic acid in milk can be an efficient way to keep skin smooth and moisturized. Thus, it can do wonders in treating dry and itchy scalp.

Learn how you may use milk:

  • Use 1 cup of milk to wash your hair and scalp.
  • Massage it gently for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off with cool water.
  • Do this every other day for one to two weeks.

8. Oatmeal

Apart from being a hearty breakfast, oatmeal can also be a great remedy for your skin problems. Oatmeal is great to use as a dry shampoo, cleansing the scalp and hair, according to the Huffington Post. It works wonders in alleviating skin dryness and itchiness.

Researchers explain that oatmeal is rich in proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides. These are excellent for soothing and relieving skin irritations. Proteins transport water to the skin to act as a buffer against moisture loss. The polysaccharides attract moisture from the air and form a protective film to keep it. Oats also contain avenanthramides that produce soothing and anti-irritant effects.

Here is a simple way of using oatmeal:

  • Take 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Grind oatmeal to make powder.
  • Combine oatmeal powder and olive oil.
  • Rub the paste on your scalp.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes before washing it off.
  • Do this three times a week for two weeks.

9. Aloe Vera Gel

There’s a very long list of health benefits that have been associated with the use of aloe vera gel. Many herbalists rely on aloe vera gel for the treatment of dry skin issues. Aloe vera is also effective for dry scalp as it is moisturizing. In fact, it prevents the flaking of dry skin by making the skin cells stick together.

30 female workers with occupational dry skin participated in a study in 2003. They had to wear an aloe vera gel-coated hand glove only in one hand. After 30 days, the hand that was treated with aloe vera was a lot less dry than the other hand. This goes to show that aloe vera is indeed a reliable solution for skin dryness. You can try using it on your scalp.

How to use aloe vera gel:

  • Cut 1 aloe vera leaf into two.
  • Scoop out the gel and apply gel on the scalp.
  • Massage your scalp.
  • Let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse off with cool water.
  • Repeat three times a week for two weeks.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar

Most people have heard about the incredible benefits of apple cider vinegar. It helps you lose weight, maintain blood sugar levels, and manage symptoms of diabetes. For your scalp that’s so dry and itchy, you can also make use of this as a natural remedy. Unlike the oils mentioned before, apple cider vinegar is not a moisturizer.

But, it can still treat your dry scalp problem by restoring proper pH balance in your hair. Apple cider vinegar can reduce dryness and itchiness in two to three washes.

Apple cider vinegar is an efficient way to get rid of the gunk on the scalp due to the overuse of hair products. This chemical buildup may also be causing your scalp to become dry and irritated.

Learn how you may use apple cider vinegar:

  • Take 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and 1 cup of water.
  • Dilute apple cider vinegar in water.
  • Use this solution to wash your hair and massage the scalp.
  • Repeat the remedy once a week for one month.

11. Baking Soda

Baking soda has many health benefits that help to ease our everyday life in many aspects. It is rich in antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Baking soda has the ability to regulate the pH of the scalp which makes it a wonderful remedy for dry scalp.

It maintains a healthy pH balance of your scalp and controls the production of sebum. Baking soda is also a wonderful exfoliant. It removes dead cells and keeps your scalp smooth and nourished. The use of baking soda for your scalp will remove the dryness and promote hair growth.

Here is a simple method of using baking soda:

  • For this remedy, you will need 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 5 tablespoons of rosewater.
  • Combine the rose water and baking soda together to form a paste. Apply this paste all over your scalp with the help of a brush or with the pointy ends of your fingers.
  • Massage the paste into your scalp for at least three minutes. Then wash it off with cool water.
  • You can repeat this remedy two to three times every week for positive results.


There’s no need to suffer from the itching and discomfort caused by dry scalp. To get rid of dry scalp, make use of these remedies that can moisturize the scalp and provide instant relief.

Hope this article was helpful to you. For any queries or confusion, feel free to ask us.