Benefits of Castor Oil for Hair Growth | How to Use Castor Oil

Castor oil is derived from the seeds of the Ricinus communis plants that grow wild in wastelands across tropical regions. It is often grown as an ornamental garden plant in milder climates and is now cultivated on a large scale for biodiesel manufacture.

Castor oil has been around for a very long time and has been widely used for medicinal purposes in its native lands spread across Africa, the Indian subcontinent, and the Mediterranean basin. It is one of the first vegetable oils to be used for industrial purposes because of its high viscosity and lubricating properties. In fact, the automotive lubricant company Castrol derives its name from castor oil.

Infamous as a laxative, many people consider castor oil a crude product. But this unique vegetable oil has so many wonderful uses that it deserves a place in every home.

Benefits of Castor Oil for Hair Growth

1. Nourishes Hair

Castor hair Oil bears a hectic chemical composition that includes proteins, hair vitamin-E, minerals, triglyceride fatty acids, like omega-6, and a 90 percent concentration of Ricinoleic. This exotic composition nourishes the hair and works like magic to grow hair faster.

2. Anti-fungal & Anti-bacterial Properties Prevent Scalp Infection

Pathogens & micro-organisms, like virus, bacteria, fungi, parasites, etc. can attack the scalp and lead to diverse hair problems, like dandruff, bald patches, itchy scalp, hair fall, dry scalp, split ends, etc. The antifungal & antibacterial properties of castor hair oil can combat the scalp-infections, like follicular, peidra, ringworm, etc. Moreover, the anti-inflammatory properties of this hair growth oil can heal the itchy and inflamed scalp. Thus, castor oil protects the scalp’s health.

3. Serves as Natural Conditioner

The benefit of castor oil for hair as a natural conditioner is also amazing. The conditioning treatment of this hair growth oil can help reduce split ends, which in turn stops hair breakage and prevents hair loss. Castor hair oil includes hair vitamin E, Omega 6 fatty acids, proteins, and essential nutrients that can easily penetrate the dry, brittle, and damaged hair strands and smooth the rough cuticles.

4. Seals the Hair Moisture

The castor oil also serves as a natural moisturizer. It leaves a coating on the hair shafts to retain the hair moisture. Especially, the omega-6 fatty acids property of castor oil prevents the hair shafts to become dried out. Adequate moisture is essential to grow hair faster in a natural way.

5. Prevents Hair Loss

Massaging the scalp with Castor hair oil can increase blood circulation stimulate the hair follicles, and make the hair roots stronger and more resilient. Moreover, the anti-bacterial and anti-fungal property of this hair oil keeps the scalp free from infections and rejuvenates the hair follicles. This strengthening effect enables the scalp to fight against alopecia/hair loss and contributes to growing hair faster.

To treat the Alopecia or hair loss issue, you can apply castor hair oil treatment to your scalp at least two times per week before taking a hair wash with shampoo.

6. Improves Hair Health

Castor hair oil keeps the scalp healthy, supple, and moisturized. Omega-6 fatty acids in this hair growth oil prevent the scalp from drying out and stimulate thicker and faster hair growth. This hair oil also contributes to regaining shine on the hair textures.

7. Stimulates Hair Re-growth

If you have a hair loss problem, then castor oil hair can fuel the hair re-growth process in your scalp. The rejuvenating power of castor oil nourishes the scalp cells, fights against scalp infection, and improves scalp health. All these activities stimulate the natural growth of hair.

However, if you do regular (3-4 times per week) hair massage with a castor oil mixture with one/two lighter oils like coconut hair oil or olive hair oil, this practice will contribute significantly to making the hair grow faster within several weeks.

8. Thickens & Darkens the Hair

The castor oil can moisturize the hair and reduce the dryness. It provides a humectant effect on the hair cells. This not only brings a fuller and voluminous look to the hair but also adds a dark tone to the hair. Regular use of castor oil makes the hair look more lively and attractive.

To get the benefit of castor oil for hair darkening, it is recommended to mix one drop of castor oil with a regular conditioner. Then, massage the mixture to your hair shafts evenly after you have done shampoo-wash. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash the hair properly.

9. Makes the Hair Lustrous

Who doesn’t love shiny hair? The fatty acid properties of castor oil leave a protective coating over the hair shafts. It not only makes the hair soft, smooth, and silky; but also makes the hair shinier.

To bring a lustrous effect on regular hair and dull/lifeless hair, you can apply castor oil at least once a week. You can either take a castor oil hair treatment with warm oil. You can also mix castor oil with your condition after shampooing your hair. However, excessive use of castor oil can make your hair look oily.

10. Treats the Split Ends

Reducing split ends is another great benefit of Castor oil for hair. As mentioned before, castor oil serves as a natural conditioner. The vitamin E, nutrient, and mineral properties of castor oil nourish the hair. Moreover, the omega-6 fatty acids and amino acids reduce the dryness of the hair shaft. Through the deep conditioning power, these ingredients penetrate the hair shaft re-form the damaged hair, and reduce the split ends.

For preventing split ends you can take Castor oil hair treatment 3-4 times per week. It will work more effectively if mixed with several drops of jojoba hair oil or olive hair oil.

How to use castor oil?

Make the Arrangement

To perform the castor oil hair treatment, you will require some essential household things, like,

  • Protective cloth to avoid oil staining
  • A bowl or container to pour, mix, and warm oil.
  • A plastic-made hair cap
  • A warm towel for hair
  • A hairbrush (if you don’t want to use fingers for hair-messaging).

Prepare Oil Mixture

Castor oil possesses a thickness consistency by nature. This property makes this oil difficult to penetrate to scalp tissues and hair shafts. To overcome this limitation, it is recommended to mix up castor oil with a lighter oil, like, coconut hair oil, jojoba hair oil, or olive hair oil with a 1:1 ratio (half castor oil and half other oils. You can also mix water if you don’t have any other light oil at that moment.

Do the Hair Message

  • Divide your hair into several sections. It will help you to disseminate the oil mixture all over your scalp.
  • It is more effective to apply fingers for hair and scalp massage. At first, wet your fingers in the castor oil mixture and rub the scalp through circular motions. It will improve the blood circulation in scalp tissues and soothe the scalp irritations.
  • However, if you do not want to use your fingers due to soreness or any other reason, then a brush can be a good solution. Start by soaking the brush in a castor oil bowl. Then, rub the brush slowly over the scalp area.
  • After the scalp-message massage the castor oil mixture to the whole hair in sections.

Let the Oil Work

After finishing the scalp and hair massage, wrap the whole hair with a warm towel. You can also use a plastic hair cap for wrapping hair. Then, leave the oil on the hair for several hours (minimum two hours).

Wash the Hair

Take a good shampoo and wash your hair properly.