Avocado Hair Mask for Dry Hair

Avocado hair mask is a true savior for dry hair. Avocado is known as the “jungle butter” because it has a very high amount of fats. Those fats are what are necessary for dry hair to be revived. Try one of these three avocado masks for dry hair.

1. Pure Avocado

Without too much hustle, but yet so effective – pure avocado hair mask is possibly the best choice for dry hair. You can make it in matter of minutes, apply it and wait for a fantastic result.

Buy really ripe avocado – the kind that is even too ripe to be eaten. Cut it in half, remove the pit and spoon the meat out. Depending on the length of your hair, you may need more than one avocado. Put the meat into a blender or even better mix it with a hand blender. Take the mixture and smear it evenly across your scalp and your whole hair.

Keep this mixture on your head for at least one hour and then wash your hair as you normally do. You might need extra shampooing to get all the avocado out of your hair, but the result will amaze you.

2. Avocado and Olive Oil

This is an upgrade for the pure avocado mask. It combines the two best things for dry hair – avocado and olive oil. The results are spectacular.

The beginning of the process is the same as when making the pure avocado mask. Get a ripe avocado, take the meat out and blend it. Take one tablespoon of olive oil for each avocado you’ve used, and make a homogenous mixture. You can heat up the olive oil for better results. Apply on your hair, leave for a couple of hours and wash your hair.

3. Stinky Avocado Hair Mask

Yes, it is a bit stinky, but it is the best mask for dry hair. You’ll need more ingredients and more time to prepare it, but the results are so good that all of your efforts will pay off.

To make this mask you’ll need ripe avocado (or more of them, depending on your hair length), 2 egg yolks, half a cup of olive oil, and half a cup of fish oil. You’ve guessed it – the fish oil is the stinky part.

Take the avocado meat and mix it well with all the other ingredients. Keep this mask on your head for at least two hours – best overnight. It’s a good idea to put a shower cap on because the heat will activate the substances and give even better results.

Be prepared to stay longer in the bathroom, because you’ll need some extra time to wash this off. The result is hair that is shiny, silky, and softer than it’s ever been before. You will love this mask.

Homemade products can really be better than those you get from the store. You don’t need much time or money to prepare any of these avocado hair masks for dry hair, and they all give fantastic results. Give them a try!

Still, keep in mind that your hair as well as your scalp could react to any of these masks as well as to that store-bought. Always try a new product, homemade or store-bought, on a small part of your skin/hair. Wait for 24 hours and if no reaction appears, you can safely use the product. Which one of these suits you best?